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Top 12 Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) in India

More and more companies are using Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) in India to access expert security advice and reduce the burden on their IT security teams. MSSPs are companies in the IT services industry that provide a range of security services ranging from incident response to comprehensive security management. While certain MSSPs focus on specific security areas, others offer complete outsourcing of an organization’s information security program.

If you want to know what MSSPs are, what benefits managed security service providers and the industry’s top MSSP companies can offer you, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to discover all this and other relevant information about MSSP providers!

What Is Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

A managed security service provider (MSSP) is a provider that offers managed networks and sells security-related services to businesses. MSS providers can also handle system changes, administration, and upgrades.

The core of MSSP’s business is protecting your company from security threats. The different types of services included in managed security include patch management, incident response, and 24-hour threat monitoring, to name a few.

12 Best Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) in India 2023

Here is a list of the top MSSP managed security service providers.

Top MSSP VendorsIndustriesService Offered
SysToolsSmall to large enterprises, Government, LEAs, Education, Banking, Finance, Transportation, etc.Security operations and monitoring, Identity and access management, End-to-end security risk management, Managed detection and response, Compliance management, Penetration testing.
NetForChoiceSmall to large enterprises, Government, LEAs, Education, Banking, Finance, Transportation, etc.Security event monitoring, Managed firewall, Enterprise network monitoring, Cybersecurity monitoring, Security asset management, Compliance management, Managed cloud security.
WiproLarge enterprises, Manufacturing, Transportation.Security operations and monitoring, Identity and access management, End-to-end security risk management.
IBMMedium-sized corporations serving industries like banking and finance, Healthcare, Retail.Managed cloud security, Data security services, Security command center.
VerizonEnterprise and mid-size businesses catering to industries like retailHealthcareInsuranceIncident information with the Unified Security Portal, In-depth check on incident trends, Endpoint protection, Threat-based intelligence-driven security monitoring and analysis.
BTMid-size and large corporations serving the Telecommunication and IT sector.Information risk management, Cybersecurity consultation services, Cloud and networking services.
AT & TLarge enterprises serving media, Telecommunication, Technology industry.Managed cybersecurity services, Endpoint security, Network security.
CipherSmall, medium, and large enterprises catering to financial, Hospitality, Healthcare.Cybersecurity monitoring, Security asset management, Compliance management.
SymantecMedium and large enterprises serving automotive, Finance, Education.Information security, Data protection, Prevent malware.
CenturyLinkA global telecommunication companyNetwork and cloud-based security, Web application firewalls, Threat monitoring and reporting.
BAE SystemsLarge corporations providing aerospace, Defense, Security solutions.Security monitoring, Business defense assessment, Cross-domain solutions.
SecurityHQSmall, medium, and large-sized enterprises catering to real estate, Public sector, Transport.Managed detection and response, Web application security testing, Managed endpoint protection.

Each MSSP specializes in providing cybersecurity services tailored to specific industries and business needs, making it easier for organizations to find a suitable partner to enhance their cybersecurity posture.


SysTools a renowned top managed security service providers (MSSP) in India. They offers a comprehensive range of managed IT security services designed to protect your company against malware attacks. Their security solutions have a proven track record and are trusted by various industries. They offer advanced security services, including security event monitoring, vulnerability scanning, web application scanning, and next-generation firewall, among others.

Services offered:

  1. Security event monitoring
  2. Enterprise network monitoring
  3. Effective cybersecurity solutions
  4. Advanced endpoint threat detection
  5. Managed firewall
  6. Managed web application scanning


NFC, as a leading MSSP in cybersecurity, Trustwave introduces a new managed detection and response service to secure your business by mitigating cyber threats. Their managed security and professional consulting services extend your team’s capabilities and enhance your security posture. Trustwave’s platform allows organizations to respond to threats, generate reports, and scale services from a single dashboard.

Services offered:

  1. Managed detection and response
  2. Penetration testing
  3. Database security
  4. Professional cybersecurity specialists’ services
  5. Email security
  6. Application security


Wipro, a managed security services provider, supports IT security management infrastructure across 16 locations. They offer operational and IT solutions to enhance security capabilities, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. Their services encompass security operations and monitoring, identity and access management, end-to-end security risk management, comprehensive cloud and infrastructure security management, and unified threat management.

Services offered:

  1. Security operations and monitoring
  2. Identity and access management
  3. End-to-end security risk management
  4. Comprehensive cloud and infrastructure security management
  5. Unified threat management


As a leading MSSP provider, IBM offers a flexible approach to addressing cybersecurity threats. They provide fully managed security solutions to meet the varying security needs of organizations, from simple to complex. IBM offers tailored services such as response, infrastructure and cloud management, and more.

Services offered:

  1. IBM X-Force threat management services
  2. Managed cloud security
  3. Data security services
  4. Managed detection and response
  5. Endpoint security services
  6. Security command center
  7. Unified threat management


Verizon, a managed IT security service provider, safeguards valuable assets 24/7 from unintended consequences or security threats. They use managed security service installations to manage a range of security devices, ensuring flexibility in selecting top-quality products. Verizon supports firewall, VPN, proxy server, and content scanning solutions, all adaptable to your specific needs.

Services offered:

  1. 360-degree security expertise year-round
  2. Incident information with the Unified Security Portal
  3. In-depth analysis of incident trends
  4. Threat-based intelligence-driven security monitoring and analysis
  5. Customized security services


BT‘s local service providers offer 24/7 security solutions through managed firewall security services. They utilize cutting-edge technology and intelligence to address cyber threats proactively. BT’s core services encompass information risk management, cybersecurity consultation services, real-time threat monitoring, and cloud and networking services.

Services offered:

  1. Information risk management
  2. Cybersecurity consultation services
  3. Real-time threat monitoring
  4. Cloud and networking services


AT&T Enterprise Managed Cybersecurity Service provides strategy, risk, and managed services to support robust security-focused digital transformation initiatives. Their security services address common cybersecurity challenges, such as staff management and product overload. Efficient security operations and leading threat intelligence enhance business safety for innovation and growth.

Services offered:

  1. In-class managed cybersecurity services
  2. Endpoint security
  3. Internet protection
  4. Network security
  5. Threat detection
  6. Intrusion detection
  7. Cloud security monitoring


Cipher offers 24/7 cybersecurity services tailored to your business needs. This global MSSP provides fast and effective managed detection and response services, enabling organizations to access dedicated threat monitoring and incident response capabilities around the clock through a comprehensive SOC-as-a-Service. Cipher understands your company’s unique requirements and offers industry-specific solutions.

Services offered:

  1. Cybersecurity monitoring
  2. Security asset management
  3. Managed application security
  4. Incident management


Symantec, acquired by Accenture in April 2020, is a leading MSSP for cybersecurity services, offering advanced cyber defense and managed security operations. Their team of highly qualified specialists combines cross-industry security innovations and global delivery capabilities to mitigate risks and reduce costs across organizations.

Services offered:

  1. Endpoint security
  2. Information security
  3. Web security
  4. Data protection
  5. Secure web usage
  6. Attack surface reduction
  7. Prevention of breaches
  8. Storage protection
  9. Immediate response to advanced threats
  10. Prevention of malware, fireless attacks, and more

CenturyLink (Lumen Technologies)

CenturyLink, now Lumen Technologies, offers best-in-class managed security services to protect your business and sensitive data. With 24/7 monitoring, management, and analysis services, Lumen helps detect, protect, and respond to various malicious activities, adding an extra layer of security to your company against malware attacks.

Services offered:

  1. Network and cloud-based security
  2. Device management
  3. Endpoint security
  4. Web application firewalls
  5. Unified threat management
  6. Threat monitoring and reporting
  7. Incident response and recovery

BAE Systems

BAE Systems is a leading provider of MSSP managed security services, including security testing, incident response, nationwide cyber defense capabilities, and more. Their portfolio, developed through years of research, offers end-to-end security solutions, with a range of corporate security services and national cyber mission services.

Services offered:

  1. Security monitoring
  2. Compliance monitoring
  3. Endpoint monitoring, detection, and response through host agents
  4. Business defense assessment
  5. Cross-domain solutions
  6. Cyber technical services
  7. National security law enforcement solutions
  8. Banking and insurance compliance


SecurityHQ offers 24/7 threat detection and response services. As a trusted security partner, they respond to threats on your behalf, with access to experienced engineers who understand the requirements for each situation. Through their incident management and analytics platform, SecurityHQ helps customers visualize and recover from cyber incidents.

Services offered:

  1. Threat detection and response
  2. Cyber risk management
  3. Web application security testing
  4. Cybersecurity controls assessment
  5. Managed endpoint protection
  6. Threat and risk intelligence
  7. Managed endpoint security

Role of Managed Security Service Providers

The role of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) is crucial in safeguarding businesses from security threats. Here are some key aspects of their role:

  1. Complex Security Infrastructure: MSSPs assist in creating and managing complex security infrastructure, including tools and platforms. They help design, implement, and maintain security measures tailored to an organization’s needs.
  2. 24/7/365 Monitoring: MSSPs provide continuous, round-the-clock monitoring to ensure the complete security of an organization’s digital assets. This constant vigilance helps detect and respond to security incidents promptly.
  3. Security Threat Scanning: MSSPs conduct regular scans to identify potential security threats within an organization’s network. They actively look for vulnerabilities and areas where cybercriminals might target.
  4. Intrusion Detection: MSSPs deploy intrusion detection systems to protect against unauthorized access and security breaches. These systems monitor all devices and systems, whether inside or outside the organization, to detect and respond to suspicious activities.
  5. Resource Allocation: MSSPs allocate valuable resources to focus attention on viruses, malware, and other security threats that pose a significant risk or disrupt an organization’s systems. They prioritize and address security issues effectively.
  6. Security Updates and Audits: MSSPs ensure that an organization is up to date with the status of security issues, maintenance, and audits. Regular security updates and audits help maintain the effectiveness of an organization’s security measures.

With the increasing complexity of cybersecurity systems and the need for well-thought security policies and strategies, the market for MSSPs is growing significantly as businesses seek professional expertise to protect their digital assets.

MSSP and MSP: What’s the Difference

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and MSSPs serve different purposes and have distinct focuses:

  • MSP (Managed Service Provider): MSPs offer services to manage and monitor various aspects of an organization’s IT infrastructure, including business software solutions, cloud platforms, and networks. Their primary focus is on optimizing IT performance, ensuring the usability of systems, and providing technical support.
  • MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider): In contrast, MSSPs specialize in cybersecurity management. Their primary focus is on ensuring the safety, security, and compliance of an organization’s systems with current cybersecurity standards and practices. MSSPs address security threats, vulnerabilities, and provide 24/7 security monitoring.

While both MSPs and MSSPs play important roles in supporting organizations, MSPs are more concerned with overall IT management, while MSSPs are dedicated to cybersecurity and maintaining a secure digital environment. Each type of service provider serves specific needs within an organization and can be complementary when used together.

Focus AreaMSSPs primarily focus on organization IT security, with a strong emphasis on safeguarding digital assets, detecting security threats, and ensuring compliance with cybersecurity standards.MSPs handle the broader IT aspect of an organization, covering network administration, essential system management, and overall IT infrastructure support.
ObjectivesMSSPs are dedicated to monitoring security devices, identifying security threats, and responding to incidents promptly. Their primary goal is to maintain a high level of cybersecurity.MSPs focus on managing and optimizing network administration, providing technical support, and ensuring the overall performance and usability of an organization’s IT systems.
Risk levelMSSPs analyze potential vulnerabilities on an ongoing basis and take proactive measures to address security risks. They operate at an advanced level of security to protect against various threats.MSPs are typically focused on installing updates, maintaining systems, and addressing routine IT issues. Their risk management is generally limited to keeping systems up to date.
Security levelMSSPs provide advanced security services, including threat detection, incident response, and continuous monitoring. They aim to maintain a high level of security and protect against complex threats.MSPs offer security at a basic to medium level, focusing on general IT support and system maintenance. Their primary role is to ensure that systems are functional and usable.
ExpertiseMSSPs specialize in expertise related to security threats detection and response. They have in-depth knowledge of cybersecurity and employ security professionals to manage and mitigate risks.MSPs are experts in managing IT infrastructure and providing technical support. They may not have the same level of expertise in cybersecurity as MSSPs.


What are the steps to Implementing Managed Security for a company?

Implementing a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) for a company involves a series of steps:

  1. Firstly, begin with a thorough cybersecurity assessment to identify vulnerabilities and risks, followed by creating a tailored strategy.
  2. Then, research, evaluate, and select an MSSP that aligns with your security requirements, expertise, services, and budget constraints.
  3. Then, define SLAs that specify the scope, response times, and performance expectations. Also, Include incident response protocols to manage security incidents effectively.
  4. After that, collaborate with the MSSP to integrate their tools into your network and systems without causing disruptions to daily operations.
  5. Then, implement continuous monitoring for threat detection and establish protocols for incident response, communication, and escalation procedures.
  6. Then, ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. After that, require regular reporting on security events, incidents, and the effectiveness of security measures.
  7. After that, customize security measures with the MSSP to match your specific needs and adapt policies based on evolving threats.
  8. Then, train employees to recognize and report security threats and foster a cybersecurity-aware culture within the organization.
  9. Then, conduct periodic security audits and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of MSSP services and make improvements based on findings.
  10. After that, develop and enforce cybersecurity policies aligned with MSSP recommendations and ensure employees understand and follow these policies.
  11. Then, establish a clear budget for MSSP services, monitor costs, and avoid hidden expenses associated with the partnership.
  12. Then, maintain regular communication with the MSSP to discuss security updates, incidents, and emerging threats, promoting transparency and collaboration.
  13. Plan for organizational growth and evolving security needs while staying informed about emerging cybersecurity trends and technologies.
  14. Implement a robust plan for data recovery and minimal downtime in case of a security incident, ensuring business continuity.
  15. Then, Continuously assess the effectiveness of MSSP services and be prepared to make changes based on evolving security threats and organizational needs.

What should I consider when choosing a managed security provider?

When evaluating a managed security service provider, it’s important to look for several key factors. These include the availability of extensive security expertise 24/7, the use of the latest cybersecurity technologies, the ability to provide actionable security insights, and offering flexible and scalable deployment options.

What is the role of security services management?

Security services management refers to a specialized security provider that identifies and mitigates potential cyber threats to your organization. Also, they cover a wide range of aspects related to safeguarding your organization’s valuable assets, including systems, sensitive information, and machines.

What is the purpose of an MSP (Managed Service Provider)?

An MSP, or Managed Service Provider, is a third-party company that ensures all aspects of your business remain operational round the clock. They are dedicated to providing the necessary resources to address and resolve threats before they can cause significant damage to your organization.

What distinguishes a VMS (Vendor Management System) from an MSP?

A Vendor Management System (VMS) is essentially web-based software designed to procure, manage, and standardize processes related to vendors. On the other hand, an MSP, or Managed Service Provider, is a third-party service provider responsible for overseeing end-to-end workforce management for organizations.

What sets MDR (Managed Detection & Response) apart from an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider)?

MDR, or Managed Detection & Response, is intelligence-driven and focuses entirely on detecting and responding to active threats within an organization. In contrast, an MSSP, or Managed Security Service Provider, relies on automation to monitor network security but may lack a strong focus on the response aspect of security solutions. This is a primary difference between MDR and MSSP.

How does an MSSP operate?

The role of an MSSP is to provide cybersecurity monitoring and management solutions. This includes offering a range of services such as firewalls, VPN management, system upgrades, and more to enhance an organization’s security posture.


In conclusion, information security is of paramount importance for any organization, and taking the necessary steps to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access is vital in today’s digital landscape. The managed security service providers (MSSPs) discussed in this article offer top-notch cybersecurity solutions to help organizations mitigate risks and enhance their security posture.

In addition to the MSSPs mentioned here, there are several other leading security service providers in the industry, such as Foresite, Trustnet, and more. To make an informed decision, it’s essential for organizations to carefully compare the offerings and capabilities of different MSSP providers and choose the one that aligns best with their specific requirements and security objectives.

Selecting the right MSSP can have a significant impact on an organization’s ability to defend against evolving cyber threats and maintain a robust security infrastructure. Also, it’s a critical decision that should be made based on thorough evaluation and consideration of the unique needs and challenges faced by the organization.

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